Meet Pastor Rodney

of Church of Christ Takaka

Pastor Rodney Watson and his wife Jessica have been married for 20+ years and have 5 daughters.  In October 2019 Rodney answered the call to take on the pastoring role at the Church of Christ as well as continuing to be trained at Annesbrook leadership College.  Rodney is a qualified builder by trade, but the call came to build and care for the people of Takaka.  “By God’s grace, it is a privilege to serve the Lord and lead an incredible family of people who are growing together; desiring to know, exalt and follow the King of Glory.” – Rodney.

Rodney and Jessica are committed to proclaiming the all sufficient love and power of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Bible – the perfectly inspired Word of God.  In the end the love of Christ is the only way for the modern pilgrim to be delivered from the power of sin, restored in life and soul, and returned to that close walk with their Creator.

The Watson’s eagerly look forward to seeing the will and love of God realised throughout this vibrant community.  


Christ at the centre

We are a church that seeks to exalt and glorify God who is Lord of all.  

This local work of God is in Golden Bay, a rural area in New Zealand that has become a home for people from many nations.  Every summer our beautiful beaches, national parks and township attract a colourful array of visitors from all around the globe.

God’s call upon us as His children is to see these ones from all walks of life be born again by the Spirit and power of God, and be transformed into the likeness of Christ.  As we grow together in love for the Lord, the blessing of our diversity is discovered and His radiance will be displayed and seen by many.  

We are a member of the national movement known as Christian Churches New Zealand  (CCNZ), which in turn is linked historically to Church(es) of Christ around the world.

"To be a God honouring people, who love and obey the word"

Vision Statement

God honouring

He is the creator/author/artist of all things. 

He is all powerful and will never change.

The chief end of mankind is to glorify God, and enjoy Him forever.

There is no one remotely like God, therefore He alone deserves every praise and service that we can render to Him, for He first loved us and continues to do so – abundantly!

Our desire is that many people will learn of the love of the Father, and the work of the Son, and come to saving faith and new life in Jesus Christ, thereby honouring God to the utmost.

Loving the Word

The Word of God is living and powerful, efficient for the saving of souls.

As this Word comes to us by the very breath of God, we value it as the words of our loving Father.

As we prayerfully meditate on God’s Word, He promises to perform that wonderful renovation upon our being, that will conform us to the image of His Son.

As the Bible is the Word of God, we open it whenever we meet, positioning ourselves under it – knowing that it carries the authority of God.

Obeying the Word

Knowing and valuing the Word of God is only half the picture. 

As we step out in faith and put that Word of love and truth into action, we will see it doing its awesome work – bringing the dead to life.

The Word of God works in and through the local church in many ways.  It reforms individuals into the image of Jesus, then guides their path in righteousness for God’s glory. 

The greatest need of every soul we encounter is to hear the Words of their creator.  May we rest in God’s powerful enabling – and make the most of every opportunity.

worship with us

Sunday Service : 10am